Jan 30, 2023Liked by Ben Buchanan

GREAT READ! I was hoping you were going to break down the number of people involved with a delivery such as a chat GPT answer in comparison with the linen paper production.

Just like children in schools are given Chromebooks, I can see the day when this technology is publicly paid for and provided as not having it could be detrimental to survival for many.

Features such as a 24-hour personal aid interacting with a memory patient and possibly alerting staff of problems would probably be a premium service among many premium services.

LLMs are a fascinating development for humanity. Chat GPT's programming renders it a kind personality. I'm writing with it and finding it wants to write happy stories. Also, I prompted it to name itself with gravitas and meaning and it chose "Oracle". 👍

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Thanks Ben for this great post. A lot of effort and information in there!

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I'm also wondering why people who post chat GPT interactions always use some kind of rental text from the actual chat. It's hard to read!

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Hmmm so who wins big tech has the resources the customers the OS, they all can see how important it is, so it seems like it will be them. Though they may be disrupting parts of their own business. What’s that net out to?

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Enjoyed this amazing post so much. At the same time, the images of your grandmother are so tender.... as much as something like this could help the loneliness and isolation of elders, it feels sad that old age can bring these kinds of difficulties and loneliness to begin with. Wondering how previous civilizations and cultures solved the issue.... but perhaps people were generally not living long enough to encounter the most difficult phases of old age that are now so common. Anyway, bravo for all the research and exciting conclusions, and thank you for sharing them with those of us who would never do that research and analysis on our own.

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